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pro forma invoice featured-min

How To Write A Pro-forma Invoice For Import And Export

Pro Forma Invoice Instructions1.  Seller’s name and address2.  Buyer’s name and address3.  Buyer’s reference4.  Items quoted5.  Prices of items: per unit and extended totals6. ...
comercial Invoice import export trade

How to Write A Commercial Invoice For Import and Export

COMMERCIAL INVOICE INSTRUCTIONS1. SELLER - Name and address of principal party responsible for effecting export from the Unites States.  The Exporter as named on the...
Polypropylene Homo-Polymer PPHP Definition, Uses Advantages

Polypropylene Homo-Polymer (PPHP): Definition, Uses and Advantages

Polypropylene (PP) was invented in 1954 by Professor Natta and was first manufactured commercially under the Moplen brand by the Montedison company in 1957.Polypropylene...